The smartest cities put people first
Create Safer Places
Demographic and economic shifts, decreased funding, and digital transformation are changing how we work, live, learn, and play. This new reality, spurred by digital innovation, is also creating an opportunity to make our communities more livable than ever before. Our cities and infrastructure need to be digitized.
Connect the Unconnected
Promote Healthier Lives
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Improve Mobility
Reduce Cost
Simplify Services
Digital Infrastructure
Connect the Unconnected
Fiber Optic Network, First Nations Communities in Northern Quebec, Bale James, QC
Solution: Regional broadband
Connecting remote communities with the development of a new 800 km regional broadband network adapted to northern Quebec’s unique challenges.
Information and Communications Technology Master Plan (ICT), Dubai Design District (D3), Dubai, UAE
Solution: Open data and network operations
ICT master plan and centralized data center for a 21 million sq. ft. community, with open access data for developers and stakeholders in pursuit of efficiencies, new services, and new citizen experiences.
Reduce COsts
Intelligent Building Platform, 151 North Franklin, The John Buck Company, Chicago, IL
Solution: Data driven building performance
Development of an 800k sq. ft. smart building with a digital twin that is used to enhance the experience of the building occupants, improve decision-making, help reduce operating cost, and create efficiencies.
Sidewalk Repair Program, Boston, MA
Solution: Equitable sidewalk repair program
Helped the city create the StreetCaster program as well as a Social Vulnerability Index, which combine to provide more efficient use of public funds and a more equitable approach to infrastructure improvements and sidewalk replacement.
Create Safer Places
Vulnerability Assessment, Confidential Casino and Hotel Resort, Eastern United States
Solution: Cyber security
Vulnerability assessment and testing of critical infrastructure, including penetration testing of network assets, physical security measures, personnel training, and security-related procedures and processes.
Intelligent Lighting Study, Association of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
Solution: Smart lighting
In collaboration with Cisco, development of design principles and a study for ASHRAE's new intelligent lighting specifications, focused on IP-based lighting powered over ethernet.
Simplify Services CommunityHQ™
Solution: Community engagement
CommunityHQ™ is a digital toolkit that enables real-time information to be gathered directly from the community to respond to infrastructure needs faster and more inclusively.
Smart City Strategy, London Borough of Merton, London, UK
Solution: Citizen service delivery
Development of a high-level smart city strategy based on need, rather than being technology-led, to help guide how all local services are delivered.
The smartest cities put people first
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Feasibility Study Circular Solid Waste Management System, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Solution: Circular waste management
Study for a completely circular solid waste system, in which all waste and resources of residents, retail, and other commercial activities are separated and fully recycled.
Battery Energy Storage 6 Sites, 13 MW (53MWh), Toronto, ON
Solution: Grid modernization, energy storage
Energy storage systems were designed to optimize energy balance demand in smart grids to reduce or defer the overall costs of grid investment and power dispatch.
Promote Healthier Lives
Solution: Indoor air quality monitoring
Indoor air quality robot that collects air and 20 other data points to inform data-driven decision making on the health and well-being of occupants. Flood Predictor
Solution: Flood risk mitigation
Flood Predictor uses AI and machine learning to help communities forecast where and when their next flood event will occur to increase their preparedness.
Improve Mobility ZEVDecide™
Solution: Zero emissions technology
ZEVDecide™ is a modeling tool that helps predict performance of zero-emission vehicle fleets, including energy demand, charging schedules, and station recommendations and power requirements.
Autonomous Vehicle Transit Network Feasibility Study, Kanata North, Ottawa, ON
Solution: Autonomous vehicle transit network
Autonomous vehicle (AV) network analysis and planning, including design considerations and AV technology recommendations.
Digital Infrastructure
Large IT Company Campus, United States
Solution: Intelligent smart pole
Design and engineering of integrated networked poles which enable connectivity, video surveillance, signage, and other smart features.
NextGen Infrastructure and Future Ready Action Plan, Centennial, CO
Solution: Data-informed smart policies
Action plan to update city standards and rethink governance approaches to facilitate future development, design considerations, and future-ready infrastructure.
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
The smartest cities put people first
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