to avoid
Job Scams
Job scams can arrive via unexpected text messages or emails from someone pretending to be a recruiter or hiring manager. Fraudsters will sometimes advertise these fake jobs on legitimate job search websites, in classified ads, and through direct email or texts, with fake offers of "easy money."
Online shopping fraud
From websites that post reviews from fake “customers” to sites that advertise items at prices that are too good to be true (in hopes of obtaining a customer's personal and payment information), there are unfortunately plenty of pitfalls for online shoppers.
Phishing is a method used by scammers to deceive you into giving away personal or financial details, such as your bank account information, credit card numbers, passwords, or Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Investment fraud
Targets can be tricked into “investing” large sums of money into fake investments with “get-rich-quick” promises — money that they will never see again.
The ‘grandparent scam’
The victim sends money to the fraudster posing as the grandchild. Since they've promised to keep it a secret, victims usually don't realize it's a scam until it's too late and the money is gone.
Quick tips