Circles encourages you to mix it up and meet other people from different businesses, roles, and locations...the guided questions allow a safe way for people to lead a meeting who have never hosted. We treat the groups like their own personal Vegas. Nobody will let you fail.
Sennette KrugData & Analytics Talent Strategy & Engagement Professional at TD Bank
Through the company's longstanding support for the LGBTQ2+ community, TD makes the message clear: we stand with you.
Winson WangCommercial Credit Manager at TD Bank
We’re all experiencing something under the surface. We’re more creative, innovative and engaged when we feel like we belong.
Erika MacGregorManager of Employee Engagement at TD Bank
Everyone's listening to everyone. Some people like to share a lot and others prefer to just listen, but it's definitely a positive vibe. It’s a place where we can get advice from colleagues or just check-in with each other on a personal level.
Christine RumpfBrand insights Manager at TD Bank
Colleagues are more likely to speak up and seek help when they feel safe, physically and psychologically, leading to better overall well-being. It encourages open communication and opportunities to share innovative ideas while contributing to problem solving.
Pam GoriSenior Human Resource Manager at TD Bank
Hover over each image to read what our TD colleagues have to say about safe spaces at work.
Sennette Krug
Winson Wang
Erika MacGregor
Christine Rumpf
Pam Gori