58 %
prévoient prendre une décision en lien avec leur habitation dans l'année à venir.
76 %
des Canadiens susceptibles d'acheter une propriété dans la prochaine année sont inquiets de la manière dont l'augmentation des taux influencera le type de propriété qu'ils pourront se permettre.
Pour en savoir plus survolez les icônes
Each hotspot has the "on click -change target state" interaction applied. This interaction triggers the image to change from its scaled down state to its scaled up state. It also resets the other images to their scaled down state.
Additionally, each hotspot has the "Show Target(s) & Hide Others" interaction applied. This enables you to create an interaction that, upon click, will only show an asset that you designate, while simultaneously hiding everything else in that folder or group. In the example here, only one specific text group is showing.
Object states give you the ability to assign various “states” to an element on the canvas. This image has three states where the images saturation changes in each state.
By default when you upload a video to Ceros, the player controls will appear for the user, requiring them to interact with the video in order to play. However, in addition to this default video behavior, you can also set your videos to automatically play on load — which requires no input from the user.
To access the autoplay settings, click on a video and you’ll see your video settings populate in the Design tab.
Create an engaging and interactive landing page to display features using object states.
Template - Product Landing Page
1280px x 2050px
Object states give you the ability to assign various “states” to an element on the canvas. These images have two states ("Scaled up" and "Scaled down") where the images size and position changes in each state.
The "On Click- Cycle Next/Previous" interaction triggers the carousel to cycle to the next asset or group of assets in a designated folder or group.
To replace an image, select the png or jpeg on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace image" button, which is next to the image thumbnail in the design panel. Any applied animations, interactions, image edits, or object states to the original image will carry over to the new one.
Tip: Try to make the new image a similar size and dimension to the image being replaced.
des Canadiens ne comprennent pas exactement les répercussions de la hausse des taux d'intérêt sur leur situation
38 %
Malgré cette
Quelles sont les répercussions de la hausse des taux d’intérêt pour les propriétaires?
Le sondage fait état de graves lacunes en matière de littératie financière au Canada alors que la flambée des taux d'intérêt engendre anxiété, incertitude et complexité pour les propriétaires et les éventuels acheteurs.