Instructions layer can be hidden before export

Quick Guide

Bars are added with the shape tool

Bars use a Slide-In animation timed from left to right, set delay to ~0.2s for each bar (this number can be changed to speed up/slow down the animation as necessary)

Chart layer contains a "blocker", a white rectangle to stop the bars from appearing at the bottom of the page as they slide in

Reference images can be dropped in in the REF layer, disable the scaling lock and size to the axis

(I.e. the X-axis should be the width of the axis line, the Y-axis should start at 0.0 and end at 3.5)

Canvas setup

Width must remain at 770px

Height can be adjusted as necessary to fit the content best 

"Scale to fold" setting must be enabled prior to publishing





Assouplissement prévu (pdb)





T2 2024

T3 2024




Banque d’Angleterre

Banque de réserve de l’Australie

Source : Bloomberg, Valeurs Mobilières TD

Powered by Ceros

Source : Bloomberg, Valeurs Mobilières TD

Banque de réserve de l’Australie

Banque d’Angleterre




T2 2024

T3 2024









Assouplissement prévu (pdb)

Width must remain at 770px

Canvas setup

Bars are added with the shape tool

Quick Guide

Instructions layer can be hidden before export