建筑师让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)雕琢着阿拉伯半岛袒露地表的砂岩,他正在着手打造阿尔乌拉(AlUla)一处全新的度假区。
瓦利德身为法国阿尔乌拉开发局(Afalula)的设计总监,在“时光之旅”总体规划和开发中功不可没。同时他也加入了由皇家委员会执行设计总监萨曼莎·科特雷尔(Samantha Cotterell)领导的设计团队。
“我的角色是通过完成建筑和设计的部分来监督这一愿景的发展进程,”萨曼莎说道,“我们的建筑师团队十分出色,且用有多元的文化背景,他们管理并指导着各种各样的项目,其中包括让·努维尔在沙拉安国家公园高耸的独石上雕凿而成的建筑、吉奥·福尔⻢(Giò Forma)在阿沙尔(Ashar)沙漠峡谷中负责的‘地面建筑’镜面剧场以及克里·希尔(Kerry Hill)建筑工作室在联合国教科文组织世界遗产旁建造的安缦酒店等。我们的工作不仅包括举办绿洲博物馆国际设计竞赛、在古城内的荒废区域中建造艺术城区、重新定义和设计新型城市空间、组织各类展览和活动等,还将设计建造阿尔乌拉加油站。”
The sandstone kingdom of Hegra
建筑师让·努维尔(Jean Nouvel)曾荣获普利兹克奖,如今他在阿拉伯开启了全新的探险之旅
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瓦利德·沙兰(Waleed Shaalan)——阿尔乌拉开发局设计总监
AlUla is the kind of place designed, like the Maraya concert hall, to make
us reflect on our place within a landscape.
According to Samantha, that's a pressure, but a privilege too. Take the designers of the forthcoming Aman resort within Hegra itself: their work will be counterpointed with the exquisite carving and perspective of the Nabatean masterbuilders.
“The purpose here is not about architecture”, says Waleed. “We are not coming here to see the architecture. It is a means to an end. It is an enabler that makes me appreciate nature; it makes me listen to the site, feel the site
– and not isolate me from the site.”
“It changes a generation”
萨曼莎表示,这就需要来访的建筑师和设计师首先摒弃对沙漠的刻板印象。接下来,我们会邀请他们沉浸在阿尔乌拉的宽广辽阔和无限魅力之中,感受片刻的静谧。刚到这里时,设计师们总是志在必得,然而在感受过后,心中便不禁产生一片敬畏,变得谦卑起来。他们会重新考虑设计理念,甚至进行自我反思。“这片土地散发出的灵性深不可测。真要说的话,大自然才是我们真正的客户。” 她说道。
对瓦利德而言,与阿尔乌拉的相遇需要保持一种谦逊感,尽管这种心态并不属于他的职业特性。阿尔乌拉沙拉安度假区的创造者让·努维尔同样抱有这种谦卑之情。“能在这里建造建筑于我而言实在是极大的殊荣,”他说,“在保持敬畏的前提下,我们将拓展这片建筑的文化深度。”他同样不想创造一些转瞬即逝的瞬间观感(或者说Instagram式的观感)。“如果你要造一些10年、20年或 者50年之后就必定会消失的建筑,那没人在乎。但如果你想建造一些真正属于这片土地的建筑——这种归属感就变得至关重要,而这样才会实现真正的自我。”
来自纽约的建筑师巴兹尔·沃尔特(Basil Walter)曾深度参与多种建造、建筑保护和设计活动。我们有幸邀请他一同反思当下建筑领域的热点问题:我们的设计是仅仅考虑到了对当下的影响,还是同时着眼于未来世代?
美国建筑师学会成员巴兹尔·沃尔特 起初作为画家开启了他的职业生涯,他于1984年创办了自己的建筑工作室
The rise of the ‘outdoor museum’ has posed searching questions about the relationship between art and its relationship to the environment. In the UK, The Yorkshire Sculpture Park was created in the 550-acre parkland of Bretton Hall, an historic country house once visited by Henry VIII.
“The sculpture park occupies a landscape we know has been occupied for nearly a thousand years,” says head of curatorial programme, Helen Pheby. “Artists are fascinated by those layers of history and heritage and activity. Andy Goldsworthy did a major project in 2007 called Layered Land (see photograph, right). It was exactly that understanding: that this land had been built up over years and years; and that he could create something very contemporary with the materials that were around him on the estate.”
“It was a work that spoke to the future. I love all the infinite connections that can be made between the past, the present and the future.”
A journey through time in Yorkshire
Maraya, by Florian Boje of Gio Forma, Milan
在生机焕然的岩石群中建造一座庞大而复杂的酒店绝非易事。也许正因如此,建造于地下或藏身在岩洞之中的酒店才可谓世间罕⻅。位于澳大利亚内陆猫眼石矿业城镇库伯佩迪(Coober Pedy)的沙漠酒店便是其中之一。在土耳其卡帕多⻄亚(Cappadocia),卡亚基豪华岩洞酒店(Kayaki Premium Caves)对18、19世纪当地居⺠在岩石上凿出的洞府进行了修缮整改,将其改造为客房;意大利⻢泰拉(Matera)小镇的城市洞穴酒店(Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita)亦是如此。上海的洲际酒店也有一栋通体建造在废弃采石场内的17层洞穴酒店,其中部分客房甚至位于水平面以下。
然而,在规模和技术难度方面,任何工程都无法与坐落在阿尔乌拉的沙拉安酒店相提并论。但对于让·努维尔而言, 这项预计于2024年开业的建筑杰作并不是什么前所未有的突破。早在公元1世纪,纳巴泰民族的建筑家、工程师和设计师们便以类似的方法修建了达丹(Dadan)城,努维尔正是从中汲取了灵感。
石中藏洞天: 全新的沙拉安度假区
流行趋势千变万化,起起落落,建筑风格也跟随潮流而不断演变。现今, 建筑本身的概念也在经历一场设计变革。
The rise of the ‘outdoor museum’ has posed searching questions about the relationship between art and its relationship to the environment. In the UK, The Yorkshire Sculpture Park was created in the 550-acre parkland of Bretton Hall, an historic country house
once visited by Henry VIII.
“The sculpture park occupies a landscape we know has been occupied for nearly a thousand years,” says Head of Curatorial Programme, Helen Pheby (above). “Artists are fascinated by those layers of history and heritage and activity. Andy Goldsworthy did a major project in 2007 called Layered Land (see photograph, left). It was exactly that understanding: that this land had been built up over years and years; and that he could create something very contemporary with the materials that were around him on the estate.”
“It was a work that spoke to the future. I love all the infinite connections that can be made between the past, the present and the future.”
置身于努维尔设计的沙拉安(Sharaan)度假区中,人们也许会有一种超越时间的奇妙感觉。“身处岩石之间就像身处太空——给人一种漂浮感,” 努维尔说道,“不论是在形式上还是在空间上,这里都开启了其他地方无法感受到的可能。”
Nora Aldabal – Arts and Creative Planning Director of the RCU
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Artists, craftspeople and explorers of all kinds are again finding inspiration in AlUla – including a female astronaut from the 25th century
The voyagers
For Samantha Cotterell, Executive Director of Design for the Royal Commission for AlUla, the theme running through her career is 'nation building' and the contribution architecture and design makes.
阿尔乌拉皇家委员会已经发起了一项名为“住宅建筑师—— 百人百屋”的国际竞赛。这项比赛向来自全球各地的受邀设计师们发出了挑战,旨在呼吁大家在探索建筑新形式的同时,创造出能够与阿尔乌拉的独特自然、历史传承和文化相洽的可持续创新型住宅。
设计图集,由阿尔乌拉皇家委员会设计工作室的S·科特雷尔(S.Cotterell)和弗洛里安·博热(Florian Boje)设计
Lita Albuquerque’s installation
NAJMA (She Placed One Thousand Suns Over the Transparent Overlays of Space)
It’s no small undertaking to create something as large and complex as a hotel within the living rock. Perhaps that’s why there are only
a small number of underground and cave hotels around the world. The Desert Hotel In the Australian Outback opal mining town of Coober Pedy is one. In Cappadocia, Turkey, the Kayaki Premium Caves use 18th and 19th century houses carved from the rock, as do
the Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita’s caves in the Italian town of Matera. Near Shanghai,
the InterContinental group has created a
17-storey hotel within a disused quarry, with rooms both above and below the waterline.
Nothing will compare to the scale and technical challenge of the new Sharaan hotel in AlUla, due to open in 2024. But for Jean Nouvel, this is not breaking new ground.
He looks for inspiration from the Nabatean architects, engineers and designers who fashioned the city of Dadan in the 1st
century CE.
AlUla Architecture New Gallery
That requires visiting architects and designers to put aside their preconceptions about the desert environment, says Samantha, and invites them to a moment of stillness, immersed in the scale and wonder of AlUla. Architects arrive confident of their abilities and leave feeling humbled and having rethought and re-evaluated their approach to design and sometimes even to themselves. “You can’t understand the scale of the great canyons and the vastness of the oasis unless you’re here: no photograph or video can give you that sense of space, the light, the sounds,” she says. “It is not possible to fathom the spirituality that emanates from the land. In truth, it is nature itself who is our client”.
For Waleed, an encounter with this place requires a sense of humility that is not always a hallmark of his profession. But it’s one shared by Jean Nouvel, creator of the forthcoming Sharaan resort at AlUla. “It is an absolutely incredible privilege to be able to build in this place,” he says. “On this condition: to deepen the place with the greatest courtesy.” He, too, is uninterested in creating an instant (or Insta) sensation that is soon forgotten. “If you build an architecture that is destined to disappear in the next ten or 20 or 50 years, no one cares. But if you are interested in architecture that belongs to the place – and belonging is very important – that’s where we actually find ourselves”.
“It changes a generation”
Waleed is design director of Afalula, the French agency for the development of AlUla and he has been instrumental in the development of the Journey Through Time masterplan. He is embedded in the team run by Samantha Cotterell, executive design director at the Royal Commission.
“My role is to oversee the development of the vision through architecture and design,” says Samantha. “I have a wonderful multi-cultural team of architects managing and directing a diverse portfolio of projects including Jean Nouvel’s carved architecture in the towering monolithic rocks in the national park of Sharaan, Giò Forma’s ‘land-architecture’ mirrored theatre in the desert canyon of
Ashar and Kerry Hill Architects’ Aman Hotel on the edge of the UNESCO heritage site.
Our work includes running international competitions to design museums in the oasis, an art district in an abandoned part of the old city and the redefinition and design of new urban spaces, exhibitions, events and even an AlUla gas station”.
‘We are working with a mix of in-house, international and local designers to extricate an architecture that is always inspired by the natural beauty that is the context of AlUla.’
The desert is an environment that is at once harsh, eternal, resilient and yet rich and incredibly fragile. “You walk into canyons in winter and find a fine blanket of white
flowers covering the sand,” says Waleed.
“That delicate, delicate, layer of life can be disrupted very easily.”
Waleed Shaalan – Design director of Afalula
Waleed Shaalan – Design Director of Afalula
AlUla is such a powerful place,
a cultural landscape shaped by nature and humans for millennia, it is not a place upon which to impose an architecture. AlUla guides the designer - if we observe, we will see. If we listen, we will hear. The purpose of design is to contribute to harmony and balance - it is
to bring us closer to AlUla
and AlUla closer to us
The Design Gallery in
AlJadidah, Art District in the making
The Design Gallery in
AlJadidah, Art District in the making
The Design Gallery in
AlJadidah, Art District in the making
The Design Gallery in
AlJadidah, Art District in the making
The Design Gallery in
AlJadidah, Art District in the making
设计图集,由阿尔乌拉皇家委员会设计工作室的S·科特雷尔(S.Cotterell)和弗洛里安·博热(Florian Boje)设计
设计图集,由阿尔乌拉皇家委员会设计工作室的S·科特雷尔(S.Cotterell)和弗洛里安·博热(Florian Boje)设计
克里·希尔建筑事务所(Kerry Hill Architectes)设计的阿曼酒店
通往新扩建的阿尔乌拉机场之路,由达巴格建筑师事务所(Dabbagh Architects)设计而成
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