Which Type of Virtual Employee Are You?
In a traditional office setting, it’s easy to look around the office you and see how you fit into the work style equation. What happens when you work in an office of one?
Find out what kind of virtual employee you are in this short quiz.

Do you often get distracted at work?
Are you working from home right now?
Sure is!
I'm used to working from home occasionally.
Nope. I'm a seasoned vet!
Is this your first time in a remote position?
I get more work done at home.
Remote employment gives me more time for personal tasks.
I work better surrounded
by others.
Are any of the following statements true?
No commute
No "water cooler" conversations
Working in pajamas
What's the best part about working from home?
0-12 months
1-2 years
2+ years
How long have you worked remotely?
A seasoned veteran in their field, but brand new to working
from home, the Newbie hasn’t been in their virtual role for long. Whether they chose to go remote or office locations closed out of necessity, they sure are enjoying all of the perks that come along with it. The infatuation stage is in full effect, and working from home has retained its novelty.
Want to learn more about being an Newbie?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Newbie.
What’s to be said about , the Natural? They come into a virtual role and thrive. Productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction are all increased the very first day a Natural becomes a virtual employee. The increased flexibility and autonomy suit their personality and work styles in a way no traditional office job can. The daily success achieved by being a Natural makes them a pleasure to work with.
It was the only option
for this position.
My employer gave
me the choice.
How were you introduced to remote employment?
People exhaust me.
I love hanging out with people ... when I'm ready.
How social are you at work?
Like a well-oiled machine.
Some days can be a little longer than others.
Does your workday start and stop at the same time?
When it comes to efficiency, no one does it better than the Solo Act. They flourish when left alone to execute on projects, and typically
find that too much teamwork can bog down most processes.
For leaders who prefer to avoid micro-managing their team,
having a Solo Act on board creates a frictionless dynamic that
satisfies both parties.
Want to learn more about the Solo Act? Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Solo Act.
Sometimes, workstyles aren’t so black and white. When it comes to shades of gray, a Hybrid is one of the only personas that doesn’t have a hard preference for working from home. Rather, the Hybrid actually enjoys a mix of traditional in-office working and remote employment, sometimes with a slight preference for one over the other. Employees like these typically like to work a few days from home and a few days in the office.
Want to learn more about being a Hybrid? Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Hybrid.
It doesn't really
matter to me.
Just a few
days a week.
How often would you like to work from home?
I like a little routine and a little spontaneity.
I get so consumed in my work that nothing else matters.
What's your day-to-day like?
The Socialite thrives when they’re surrounded by people.
Whether in-person or talking on the phone, the Socialite loves to be networking and interacting with others, which brings unique challenges to a remote work environment. You can count on them to be making post-work plans, organizing a group activity, or being the hype-person for a new initiative. Because of their desire to be constantly interacting with others, they thrive in collaborative projects, no matter where the team is.
Want to learn more about being a Socalite? Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Socialite.
Likely one of the hardest working people in your department,
the Overachiever is laser-focused in their position no matter where they are. In fact, many virtual employees who identify with this persona find
that they accomplish more when they work remotely. They report having fewer distractions without the usual “water cooler” talk that occurs in
most offices. Removing the daily commute also curbs any anxieties
brought on by rush hour traffic.
Want to learn more about being an Overachiever? Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Overachiever.
Our business
plans changed.
I'm a social butterfly!
Start early or stay late. I get it
done by any means necessary!
I never want to step foot in an office again.
I'm a free spirit!
Life's an adventure!
The Newbie
The Natural
Want to learn more about being an Natural?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Natural.
Want to learn more about being the Solo Act?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Solo Act.
The Solo Act
Want to learn more about being a Hybrid?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Hybrid.
The Hybrid
Want to learn more about being an Overachiever?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Overachiever.
The Overachiever
The Socialite
Want to learn more about being a Socialite?
Read the case study for more insights, and learn about the challenges and opportunities associated with the Socialite.
The Newbie
The Solo Act
The Hybrid
The Hybrid