Investing in the transition to a more sustainable economy
Why Impax?
Investment philosophy
Mission and values
Investment solutions
Impax in your region
Our team
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Net zero and the role of the asset management sector
Beyond the pursuit of financial returns
Impax in the community
Why Impax?
Acknowledged global leader
We are one of the largest and longest established investors dedicated to investing in the transition to a more sustainable economy. We manage assets for some of the world’s largest asset owners.
Partnership with our clients
We are committed to outstanding levels of client service with comprehensive and transparent reporting. We also continue to evolve our thought leadership work, stewardship and engagement and our ground-breaking impact reporting.
Contributing to the development of a sustainable society
In line with our mission, sustainability is important to us.
We aspire to run our business in line with best practices
of governance, we focus on diversity and inclusion, and measure our own environmental footprint annually.
We value our commitment to our community partners who we support both financially and through direct participation.
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As of 09.30.2023. Assets under advice represent ~3%.
years of specialist
investment experience
Investment philosophy
Founded in 1998, Impax Asset Management has pioneered investment in the transition to a more sustainable global economy and today is one of the largest investment managers dedicated to this area.
We seek higher quality companies, with strong business models and governance, that demonstrate sound management of risk.
We believe
We invest
We offer
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Our core focus and motivation is to offer solutions. It defines the investment approach we offer our clients, the contribution we make to the broader global community and the attitude we bring to work each day.
Be the solution
Mission statement
To generate strong risk-adjusted returns from opportunities arising from the transition to a more sustainable economy for clients with
a medium to long-term horizon.
To make a contribution to the development of
a sustainable society, particularly by supporting
or undertaking relevant research and engaging
or collaborating with others.
To provide a stimulating, collaborative and supportive workplace for our staff.
Investment solutions:
underpinned by proprietary tools
At Impax, every strategy is designed
to intentionally allocate clients’ capital
towards a more sustainable economy.
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Impax in your region
Click on a region to see more
North America
Desjardins AM (Canada)
FÉRIQUE (Canada)
Mackenzie Investments (Canada)
NEI Investments (Canada)
Impax commingled vehicles
Impax mutual fund vehicles
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Throughout Europe,
Asia-Pacific and
North America,
we have successful
long-term relationships
with a number of
distribution partners.
Our team
Impax has a collegial working culture.
Our highly experienced team is made up
of individuals with diverse backgrounds, bringing together complementary skills
and experience.
We firmly believe
that the diversity
of our people and
the promotion of equal opportunities
is key to enhancing our success.
See our Board and Executive Committee members
Equity, diversity
and inclusion
We are committed to using the tools we have as investors to address discrimination
and inequality.
Equity, diversity and inclusion are critical
to our own organisational excellence,
to the success of the companies in which we invest, and in creating opportunity
in the communities in which we operate.
Our investments
Our business
Partnerships and social impact
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We believe that
the transition to
a more sustainable economy is closely linked to the transition to a more equitable society.
Net zero and
the role of the asset management sector
We support the growing consensus that
the asset management sector can best contribute to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement in three ways:
Adjusting portfolios,
screening-out fossil-fuel investments and using tools to minimise exposure to transition risks.
climate risk
Identifying priority sectors/companies
and engaging on detail
of transition plans.
carbon-intensive companies
Generally calculated as
a share of AUM, linked
to definitions of green/
taxonomies, with avoided emissions as a key metric of impact.
in climate
Of these, as a specialist investor, Impax focuses particularly on investing in
climate solutions
Our approach to the Paris Agreement
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Beyond the pursuit of financial returns
By intentionally allocating our clients’ capital towards areas
of the market that are providing solutions to sustainability challenges, we support
the positive environmental impacts delivered by our
portfolio companies.
Our corporate engagement and stewardship activity aims
to enhance our understanding of investment risk.
Beyond the pursuit of financial returns we focus on four broader areas:
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Impax in the community
Our value of ‘Building a common future’
recognises that we have a responsibility to
promote prosperity while protecting the planet.
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We support organisations that are aligned with our mission and have
established multi-year partnerships focused on climate and on equity,
diversity and inclusion with Ashden, ClientEarth, Ceres, Toigo and
Diversity Project.
All colleagues have access to matched giving schemes. In 2022, Impax was awarded a Gold Quality Mark for our colleagues’ participation in the UK’s ‘Give As You Earn’ scheme.
Our US division has established a donor-advised fund that supports
organisations that prioritise women’s empowerment, environmental
conservation and local communities.
All Impax employees are given paid leave to volunteer and Impax pledges to match all staff charitable donations up to £600 or US$750 a year.
We encourage our colleagues
to play an active role in the community – for the benefit of both our business and society.
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Important information
Impax Asset Management Group plc includes Impax Asset Management Ltd, Impax Asset Management (AIFM) Ltd., Impax Asset Management Ireland Ltd, Impax Asset Management LLC, and Impax Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited (together, “Impax”). Impax Asset Management Ltd, Impax Asset Management (AIFM) Ltd and Impax Asset Management LLC are registered as investment advisers with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), pursuant the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (“Advisers Act”). Registration with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training.
The views, opinions, and forecasts included or expressed herein are as of the date indicated and are subject to change without notice. There can be no assurance that the strategies described will achieve their objectives and goals. The information presented herein is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax, investment, or financial planning advice. It does not constitute an offer, invitation, solicitation, recommendation, or advice to buy or sell any securities, financial instruments, investments; to follow a particular investment strategy; to engage in any other transaction; or to engage Impax to provide investment advisory or other services.
Certain content (including data) contained within may include, or be based on, data obtained from statistical services, company reports or communications, or other third-party sources, that Impax believes are reliable. However, Impax has generally not verified this information where Impax believes the third-party source is reliable and, therefore, there is a risk that information from such third-party sources are inaccurate or incomplete. You should not rely on the information presented here as a basis for investment decisions.
Impax is a trademark of Impax Asset Management Group Plc. Impax is a registered trademark in the EU, US, Hong Kong and Australia. © Impax Asset Management LLC, Impax Asset Management Limited and/or Impax Asset Management (Ireland) Limited. All rights reserved.
Important information
UK: The Document is only being made available to and is only directed at persons in the United Kingdom who are professionals, defined as Eligible Counterparties, or Professional Clients, within the meaning of the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority. Under no circumstances should any information contained in this Document be regarded as an offer or solicitation to deal in investments in any jurisdiction. In the United
Kingdom, this material is a financial promotion and has been approved by Impax Asset Management Limited OR Impax Asset Management (AIFM)
Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Australia: This Document has been prepared and is being made available by Impax Asset Management Limited. Impax Asset Management Limited is
exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services license in respect of the financial services it provides to wholesale investors in
Australia and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom under the laws of the United Kingdom which differ from Australian
laws. This document is only to be made available to ‘wholesale investors’ under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) receiving this document in Australia.
Impax Asset Management Limited is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian financial services license by operation of ASIC Class Order
03/1099: UK FCA regulated financial service providers, as modified by ASIC Corporations (Repeal and Transitional) Instrument 2016/396.
Israel: No licence with the ISA. Neither Impax Asset Management Limited nor Impax Asset Management (AIFM) Limited (“Impax”) have not been licenced by the Israel Securities Authority (“ISA”) under the Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio
Management Law, 5755-1995 (the “Investment Advice Law”). As such, Impax does not hold any insurance in Israel as generally prescribed by the ISA for Israeli-licenced entities.
There is no offer to the public in Israel. No action has been, or will be, taken in Israel that would permit an offering of an interest in any fund, account or strategy managed or to be managed by Impax (each a “Fund”) or distribution of this document to the public in Israel. Therefore, this
document has not been approved by the ISA and will only be provided to Israeli residents which are listed in the first supplement of the Israel Securities Law, 5728-1968 (the “Securities Law”) in a manner that will not constitute “an offer to the public” under sections 15A(a) and (b) of the Securities Law or section 25 of the Joint Investment Trusts Law, 5754-1994 (the “Joint Investment Trusts Law”), as applicable.
Categories of investors the offer is made to. Specifically, any Fund’s interests are exclusively being offered: (i) to those categories of investors
listed in the First Schedule to the Securities Law and in the Schedule One
to the Investment Advice Law (together, the “Sophisticated Investors”)
and provided that such investors have furnished written confirmation that they qualify as Sophisticated Investors and that they are aware of
the consequences of such designation and agree thereto; and/or (ii) in any case under circumstances that will fall within the private placement or other exemptions of the Joint Investment Trusts Law, the Securities Law,
the Investment Advice Law and any applicable guidelines, pronouncements or rulings issued from time to time by the ISA.
Declaration as Sophisticated Investor. As a prerequisite to the receipt of a copy of this document, a recipient may be required by Impax or a Fund to provide confirmation that it is a Sophisticated Investor purchasing an interest for its own account or, where applicable, for other Sophisticated Investors.
Important information
Any such Sophisticated Investor who purchases an interest in a Fund is purchasing such interest for its own benefit and account and not with the aim or intention of distributing or offering such interest to other parties (other than, in the case of an offeree which is a Sophisticated Investor by virtue of it being a banking corporation, portfolio manager or member of the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange, as defined in the First Schedule to the Securities Law and in Schedule One to the Investment Advice Law,
where such offeree is purchasing an interest for another party which
is a Sophisticated Investor).
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this document shall be considered investment advice or investment marketing defined in the Investment
Advice Law.
Investors are encouraged to seek appropriate advice from a locally licensed investment advisor prior to making any investment in a Fund. Anyone
who invests in a Fund shall do so in accordance with its own understanding and discretion and after it has obtained any relevant investment, financial,
legal, business, tax or other advice or opinion required by it in connection with such investment.
Canada: The Document is being provided by Impax Asset Management Limited. This entity is not registered as an adviser in Canada and would
provide any investment advice to you pursuant either to the terms of the “international advise exemption” from registration or the “international
sub-adviser exemption” from registration in the applicable jurisdiction(s) of Canada. Disclosure about such entity’s non-resident and unregistered
status in Canada will be provided at the time of onboarding.
Issued: June 2023
Exp: 01.06.2024
Important Information
As a signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM), we support
the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C. The initiative is well aligned with our existing investment philosophy and our 24+ years’ experience as a specialist investor in climate solutions.
We are passionate about our mission and our work. We strive for excellence in everything we do. We hold ourselves to high standards and trust
each other to share these aspirations and contribute to the results.
A passion
for excellence
We make better decisions if we are diverse and inclusive. All voices are welcomed and all voices are heard. We aspire to a dynamic culture that embraces change and inspires the evolution of new ideas.
All voices valued
We believe we can do far more,
far better, by working together
as a team. True collaboration
means treating others as we want
to be treated. We value and respect our colleagues, clients and partners, their families and the wider community. We are all interconnected and cannot hope to succeed alone.
Doing better together
We have a responsibility to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. We are committed to sustainable development, and to stewarding our environmental and societal impact for the benefit of current and future generations.
a common future
Investment offerings may not be available to, and may
not be suitable for, all investors.
Products mentioned on this page are distribution vehicles made up of different fund offerings. Not all vehicles are available in all regions or to all investors.
Our team’s skills, experience and commitment are both
our greatest assets and the cornerstones of our business.
We invest significantly in our people, including through continuous professional development, formal qualifications and wellness initiatives.
We actively seek to hire diverse people from different backgrounds who bring divergent skill sets to our business. An example of this is our investment team. As well as highly experienced portfolio managers and financial analysts with regional and sector expertise, the team also comprises former business analysts, bankers, venture capitalists, scientists and policy specialists. Several of our staff have leadership roles within organisations that promote the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Read about how we identify, assess and manage climate-related risks and opportunities in our 2022 TCFD Report.
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investment team members
of assets under
employees in
offices globally
Positive outcomes are classified as “some progress” or “milestone progress” as assessed by Impax against engagement objectives. Engagement objectives are company specific and based on concerns or areas of weakness identified through fundamental in-house ESG analysis. In 2021, our engagement focused on four primary areas: Climate, Human Capital Management (including E,D&I), Sustainability Risk Management and Corporate Governance. Engagement status and outcomes are determined using a combination of public information and direct conversations with the portfolio companies and issuers with which we engage. Source: Impax Engagement and Policy Advocacy Report 2022.
Impax’s NZAM submission:
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30 Penhallow St,
Suite 400
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Our strong conviction
is that population dynamics,
resource scarcity, inadequate infrastructure and environmental constraints will create high growth investment opportunities.
Active Equities
Asian Environmental
Sustainable Food
US Environmental Leaders
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Active Equities
Global Opportunities
US Large Cap
US Small Cap
Asian Opportunities
The Impax Sustainability Lens translates our investment beliefs into a practical investment tool
to help our teams identify the winners and avoid the losers in the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Systematic Equities
US Sustainable Economy
International Sustainable
Fixed Income
High Yield Bond
Core Bond
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Gender Lens
Systematic Equities
Global Women’s
As a pioneer in gender lens investing, we invest in the highest-rated companies in the world for advancing women through gender-diverse boards, senior leadership teams and other policies and practices.
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Private Markets
New Energy
Systematic Equities
Sustainable Infrastructure (Systematic)
As one of the longest established fund managers in the large and
rapidly growing renewable energy sector, we manage strategies that follow an industrially-focused value-add strategy, investing
in renewable power generation and related assets.
Active Equities
Sustainable Infrastructure
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Sustainable Allocation
Sustainable Allocation
A risk-focused asset allocation strategy offering a diversified
portfolio of Impax strategies invested in the transition to
a more sustainable economy.
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ASN Bank
BNP Paribas Asset Management
St. James’s Place
Lombard Odier
Impax investment trust
Impax UCITS vehicles
Impax private markets vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
7th Floor
30 Panton Street
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BNP Paribas Asset Management (Asia)
Fidante Partners (Australia)
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Hong Kong
Unit 15, 16/F,
Nexxus Building
41 Connaught Road
Hong Kong
We invest in companies that we believe are well positioned to benefit from the transition to a more sustainable global economy, including companies that are leaders on human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion. Impax is a pioneer in gender lens investing.
We engage with the companies in our investment portfolios to press for greater diversity on their leadership teams and equal pay for all staff irrespective of gender or race.
We withhold votes from companies that
we believe lack sufficient diversity on
their boards.
Our equity, diversity and inclusion (E,D&I) vision is to continue to build an inclusive, equitable culture where everyone feels
they belong, are valued as an individual, and can thrive.
We remain focused on increasing the number of women and racial and ethnic minorities, especially at senior levels,
and to equal pay across the firm.
Our priorities include:
Extending the potential talent pool in recruitment and engaging with recruiters with a strong track record when it comes to diversity.
Gathering data directly and confidentially from employees and candidates across different facets of diversity and analysing results.
Increasing initiatives around inclusion, education and communications.
Setting goals and providing tools for managers to promote accountability
for E,D&I progress.
We partner with organisations focused
on E,D&I, spotlighting the unique challenges
faced by women and minorities within
our industry.
We offer young people from socially
diverse backgrounds the opportunity to
work in the investment management space.
We encourage our colleagues to play
an active role in the community – for the benefit of both our business and society.
companies engaged with during 2021
engagement meetings during 2021
of our company engagements in 2021 led to positive outcomes directly related to the objectives we set
of engagements in 2021 led to positive outcomes that we believe were largely driven by Impax’s engagement efforts
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We disclose, through our annual impact reporting, the quantified environmental benefits linked to our clients’ investments in our portfolio companies.
We share data on carbon emissions avoided, renewable energy generated, water treated
and materials/waste treated.
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We strive to influence policy outcomes that support solutions
to environmental and social challenges.
Through our policy and advocacy activities we collaborate closely with a broad network, including the scientific community, industry bodies, and not-for-profit organisations.
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We publish thought leadership that provides value-added
insights to our clients and partners.
Hover over segments for more information
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North America
Desjardins AM (Canada)
FÉRIQUE (Canada)
Mackenzie Investments (Canada)
NEI Investments (Canada)
Impax commingled vehicles
Impax mutual fund vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
New York
10 East 40th Street
13th Floor Suite 1310
New York, NY 10016
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ASN Bank
BNP Paribas Asset Management
St. James’s Place
Lombard Odier
Impax investment trust
Impax UCITS vehicles
Impax private markets vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Fifth Floor
6-10 Suffolk Street
Dublin 2
D02 NY39
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BNP Paribas Asset Management (Asia)
Fidante Partners (Australia)
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Level 20, Marunouchi Trust Tower – Main 1-8-3 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
100-0005, Japan
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We believe
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in companies and assets that we believe are well positioned to benefit from the shift to a more sustainable global economy. We seek higher quality companies with strong business models and governance that demonstrate sound management of risk.
We invest
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We offer
a suite of investment solutions spanning multiple asset classes, aiming to deliver strong risk-adjusted returns over the medium to long term.
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Impax Asset Management
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capital markets will be shaped profoundly by global sustainability challenges, particularly climate change, environmental pollution, natural resource constraints, demographic and human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion.
These trends can drive growth for well-positioned companies and create risks for those unable or unwilling to adapt.
Fundamental analysis which incorporates long-term risks, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, enhances investment decisions.
Important Information
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Adjusting portfolios, screening-out fossil-fuel investments and using tools to minimise exposure to transition risks.
1.Pricing climate risk accurately
Identifying priority sectors/companies and engaging on detail of transition plans.
2.Engaging carbon-intensive companies
Generally calculated as a share of AUM, linked to definitions of green/taxonomies, with avoided emissions as a key metric of impact.
3.Investing in climate solutions
Of these, as a specialist investor, Impax focuses particularly on investing in climate solutions
Our approach to the Paris Agreement
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Important Information
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We believe
Our strong conviction is that population dynamics, resource scarcity, inadequate infrastructure and environmental constraints will create high growth investment opportunities.
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We invest
capital markets will be shaped profoundly by global sustainability challenges, particularly climate change, environmental pollution, natural resource constraints, demographic and human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion.
These trends will drive growth for well-positioned companies and create risks for those unable or unwilling to adapt.
Fundamental analysis which incorporates long-term risks, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, enhances investment decisions.
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Go to We believe
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We offer
in companies and assets that we believe are well positioned to benefit from the shift to a more sustainable global economy. We seek higher quality companies with strong business models and governance that demonstrate sound management of risk.
Go to We invest
We invest in companies that are well positioned to benefit from the transition
to a more sustainable global economy, including companies that are leaders
on human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion. Impax is a pioneer
in gender lens investing.
We engage with the companies in our investment portfolios to press for greater diversity on their leadership teams and equal pay for all staff irrespective of gender or race.
We withhold votes from companies that
we believe lack sufficient diversity on
their boards.
Our equity, diversity and inclusion (E,D&I) vision is to continue to build an inclusive, equitable culture where everyone feels
they belong, are valued as an individual, and can thrive.
We remain focused on increasing the number of women and racial and ethnic minorities, especially at senior levels,
and to equal pay across the firm.
Our priorities include:
We invest in companies that are well positioned to benefit from the transition
to a more sustainable global economy, including companies that are leaders
on human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion. Impax is a pioneer
in gender lens investing.
We engage with the companies in our investment portfolios to press for greater diversity on their leadership teams and equal pay for all staff irrespective of gender or race.
We withhold votes from companies that
we believe lack sufficient diversity on
their boards.
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A risk-focused asset allocation strategy offering a diversified portfolio of Impax strategies invested in the transition to
a more sustainable economy.
companies engaged with during 2021
engagement meetings during 2021
of our company engagements in 2021 led to positive outcomes
directly related to the objectives we set
of engagements in 2021 led to positive outcomes
that we believe were largely driven by Impax’s engagement efforts
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Our corporate engagement and stewardship activity aims to enhance our understanding of investment risk.
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We disclose, through our annual impact reporting, the quantified environmental benefits linked to our clients’ investments in our portfolio companies.
We share data on carbon emissions avoided, renewable energy generated, water treated and materials/waste treated.
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We disclose, through our annual impact reporting, the quantified environmental benefits linked to our clients’ investments in our portfolio companies.
We share data on carbon emissions avoided, renewable energy generated, water treated and materials/waste treated.
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Important information
Important information
BNP Paribas Asset Management (Asia)
Fidante Partners (Australia)
ASN Bank
BNP Paribas Asset Management
St. James’s Place
Lombard Odier
Impax investment trust
Impax UCITS vehicles
Impax private markets vehicles
ASN Bank
BNP Paribas Asset Management
St. James’s Place
Lombard Odier
Impax investment trust
Impax UCITS vehicles
Impax private markets vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Distribution partners
Impax branded
Distribution partners
Impax branded
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North America
Desjardins AM (Canada)
FÉRIQUE (Canada)
Mackenzie Investments (Canada)
NEI Investments (Canada)
Impax commingled vehicles
Impax mutual fund vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
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North America
Desjardins AM (Canada)
FÉRIQUE (Canada)
Mackenzie Investments (Canada)
NEI Investments (Canada)
Impax commingled vehicles
Impax mutual fund vehicles
Distribution partners
Impax branded
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Our investments
Our business
Partnerships and social impact
Impax Asset Management
Investing in the transition to a more sustainable economy
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We invest
capital markets will be shaped profoundly by global sustainability challenges, particularly climate change, environmental pollution, natural resource constraints, demographic and human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion.
These trends will drive growth for well-positioned companies and create risks for those unable or unwilling to adapt.
Fundamental analysis which incorporates long-term risks, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, enhances investment decisions.
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We offer
capital markets will be shaped profoundly by global sustainability challenges, particularly climate change, environmental pollution, natural resource constraints, demographic and human capital issues such as equity, diversity and inclusion.
These trends will drive growth for well-positioned companies and create risks for those unable or unwilling to adapt.
Fundamental analysis which incorporates long-term risks, including environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, enhances investment decisions.
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Investment offerings may not be available to, and may not be suitable for, all investors.
Investment offerings may not be available to, and may not be suitable for, all investors.
The trademarks shown are the property of their respective owners. Impax Asset Management Group plc and its affiliates (“Impax”) is not endorsed, sponsored, or otherwise authorized by or affiliated with any of the trademark owners represented by these trademarks.
Impax’s NZAM submission: