Illustrative legislative and regulatory priorities in California
Leg. Priorities (New and Existent bills)
Effort Level
1. RPS updates
2. Hydrogen-specific incentives program
Production, T&D and Storage
3. Hydrogen infrastructure plan and owner/operator standards
Effort Level
4. Feed-In Tariff
5. Executive Order N-79-20: Elimination of new internal combustion passenger vehicles by 2035
Effort Level
6. SB 662 definition of clean hydrogen and targets to fuel low-emission vehicles
1. Carbon Neutrality Plan
Effort Level
Regulatory Policies (Incl. CPUC and other Reg. Entities)
Production, T&D and Storage
2. Hydrogen infrastructure plan
Effort Level
3. Regulation for T&D and Storage (above and below ground/out of state)
4. Tariff
5. Pipeline standards
6. SMR and CCUS for power
7. Hydrogen fuel cells (back up generation)
8. Behind the meter fuel cells
9. FCEV vehicle adoption
Effort Level