Typically a long-term agreement structured as an Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) or Right-to-Use (RTU)
Dark Fiber Lease (DARK)
Types of Utility Fiber and Broadband Offerings
Occasionally done between utilities to provide geographically diverse redundancy or connectivity where right-of-way may not be available
Fiber “Swap” (DARK)
On systems using dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM), separate wavelengths of light
can share a single fiber
Wavelength/ “Color”
Lease (LIT)
Companies purchase market access, bandwidth, and other functionalities on a wholesale basis with the intent of reselling this purchased “capacity” on the retail market to businesses and consumers
Wholesale Bandwidth (Carrier’s Carrier) (LIT)
May require becoming a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). Often requires some level of metropolitan fiber to provide connectivity in a "carrier hotel" or Point-of-Presence (PoP)
Bandwidth and Connectivity (Carrier) (LIT)