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A lone rider, Chris Carney, set out on a mission to raise awareness for injured veterans.
Soldier Ride was held in Chicago for the first time.
The Soldier Ride program grows to include traditional rides, skills development camps, and challenge rides (longer, multi-day rides). As of 2014, this nationally recognized program has offered veterans and their families over 3,000 healing opportunities.
Soldier Ride expands adaptive sports programming to include ski and snowboard skills development clinics.
The NFL, one of WWP's enduring partners, gifts $500,000 to replace the entire Soldier Ride bike fleet.
Soldier Ride team invited to lead the adaptive cycling portion of the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic.
Soldier Ride launched virtual opportunities for warriors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Warriors connected through WWP’s online cycling community, virtual coffee socials, riding challenges, cycling maintenance tutorials, and more. As of 2020, this program has offered veterans and their families 12,000 healing opportunities.
Soldier Ride® hosts the first women-only event to provide specialized connection and support. Since then, the program annually hosts a number of exclusive events for women warriors in adaptive cycling, snow sports, and more.
For 20 years, this nationally recognized program has offered veterans and their families over 17,000 healing opportunities. Soldier Ride is one of the most successful programs at Wounded Warrior Project.
Soldier Ride Across America: Three teams of 10 warriors each relayed more than 3,300 miles from New York City to San Diego, California, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Soldier Ride. As of 2018, this program has offered warriors and their families over 8,000 healing opportunities.
Soldier Ride: Through the Years
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The first Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Soldier Ride® kickoff was held at the White House. Since then, the White House has hosted and honored warriors annually, with the exception of 2020 due to COVID.
Soldier Ride team invited to lead the adaptive cycling portion of the National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic.
A lone rider, Chris Carney, set out on a mission to raise awareness for injured veterans.
Soldier Ride was held in Chicago for the first time.
The first Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) Soldier Ride® kickoff was held at the White House. Since then, the White House has hosted and honored warriors annually, with the exception of 2020 due to COVID.