Predict risk

A person with diabetes is automatically scheduled for a physician appointment or  telehealth check-in when a risk is detected. The risk may be triggered by an alert on their wearable device or a prescription drop-off.

Elevate care

Progression in 
chronic disease

Undertreatment of 
cancer or rare disease

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Elevate care

Predict risk

Making genetic testing more accessible and consistently bridging undertreatment care gaps could make breast 
cancer, the world’s most prevalent cancer, curative.

A cancer patient has a genetic expression that denotes risk or undertreatment, so they are prompted to participate in a targeted prevention or treatment program to elevate their standard of care.

Elevate care

Predict risk

When it comes to managing their health, people want stronger partnerships with their HCPs. According to the ZS 2024 Future of Health report, only 40% of individuals in the U.S. have a partnership with their HCP, while 49% want one in the future.

A person with diabetes is automatically scheduled for a physician appointment or  telehealth check-in when a risk is detected. The risk may be triggered by an alert on their wearable device or a prescription drop-off.

Undertreatment of 
cancer or rare disease

Progression in 
chronic disease