Your Front Line for Workplace Law Compliance Clarity
Built on the Salesforce platform, PathWay VIA JL’s advanced approach provides ease, predictability and reliability to keep workplace immigration tasks on track.
Intuitive interface makes it easy for you to start using and navigate through the system immediately.
30 employment practices topics, across accommodations, compensation and benefits, recruiting and release, and safety regulations.
Helps secure the health of your HR and workplace efforts.
CHECKIT and proceed with your plans if you’re compliant.
CHECKIT shows you’re not compliant? Call Jackson Lewis.
Our attorneys will take it from there, addressing questions and walking with you through next steps.
CHECKIT is a no-cost-to-you, timesaving, risk reducer.
When you CHECKIT VIA JL, you’re getting more than instant accurate information and compelling comparisons. You’re getting answers that let you confidently connect with your legal and HR teams for more fully informed, next-level conversations about best practices and subsequent steps. After all, compliance isn’t the end. It’s the means to get there with fuller options and fewer risks.
The Better Baseline for Beginning Your Compliance Conversations
10 additional topics addressing emerging issues and areas with increased industry or state variability coming soon.
Searchable and sortable display options make for quick and clear comparisons.
User-focused screen design creates an intuitive experience requiring minimal to no training to get started.
(Goodbye ponderous PDF process)
Log In
Your entry to better mobility management
(and say goodbye to ponderous PDFs)
Tech-enabled real-time status tracking, configurable reports, advanced automations and more.
Centralized document storage, intranet-embedded LCAs, and parent-level access to all cases for companies with subsidiaries.
Flexible design that facilitates new features and provides options for initiating cases and assessments, integrating with HRIS systems in the future, and more.
Training Video
User Guide
Scroll down for more information about PATHWAY’s features and functionality.
Training Video & User Guide
Click to see Training Materials
Request a tour
Colleagues in San Juan sponsored and spoke at SHRM-Puerto Rico’s annual conference and exhibition, and attended a gala in honor of the event’s milestone anniversary.
In August, our Portland office enjoyed a scenic cruise up the Willamette River aboard the Portland Spirit.
In July, offices across the firm held events in celebration of Summer Associate Day.
Colleagues in Chicago attended the Chicago Gateway Green fundraiser to support the nonprofit’s mission to beautify the city’s expressways, gateways and neighborhoods.
Our Birmingham and St. Louis offices embraced National Prosecco Day with snacks and bottles of bubbly!
The Philadelphia office celebrated Juneteenth with an office lunch, and later participated in a Corporate FunRun to spend time outside during the summer season.
Attorneys and summer associates in Los Angeles enjoyed an evening of socializing in support of the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles.
The University of Houston Law Center alumni in our Houston office donated funds for the university’s giving challenge to support the next generation of legal professionals.
The San Diego office served as a proud sponsor of the Tom Homann LGBTQ+ Law Association Annual Dinner.
On May 6, our New York City office participated in the Callen-Lorde Rainbow Run as a Champion Sponsor to promote health and wellness and support the lifesaving work of Callen-Lorde Community Health Center.
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a case number to see the case milestones that have been completed and what to expect next. You can access the case details and materials as well as see the members of the Jackson Lewis team who are working on the specific case.
All-Access Home Page
Case Milestones
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a case number to see the case milestones that have been completed and what to expect next. You can access the case details and materials as well as see the members of the Jackson Lewis team who are working on the specific case.
Selected Reports
Top-level main menu ribbon to move to PATHWAYS’s key features.
Table of foreign nationals, their cases and their respective statuses. Click on the Case/Matter number to get these details and other case milestone and contact information.
One-click button to begin an assessment.
Easy access to initiate new cases and assessments.
Direct access to the Employer Questionnaire for each case by clicking on the Pencil + Paper icon
Note: The foreign national employee will have access to their portion of the questionnaire for completion and review when they log into their version of PATHWAY.
Instant ability to include files related to the case via the Upload icon.
PATHWAY's all-access home page takes you to all of the system's features and lets you complete many of the most frequent task right on the spot.
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a case number to see the case milestones that have been completed and what to expect next. You can access the case details and materials as well as see the members of the Jackson Lewis team who are working on the specific case.
Selected Reports
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a case number to see the case milestones that have been completed and what to expect next. You can access the case details and materials as well as see the members of the Jackson Lewis team who are working on the specific case.
Case Milestones
Toggle between Table and Chart view.
Choose other report formats and customization options.
Better Business Immigration Case Management Can Be Yours
If you’re looking for a clearer, quicker mobility management method, PathWay VIA JL™
is the way to go. Our advanced immigration case management system accounts for every step of the onboarding process, providing employers and their foreign nationals and recruiters with real-time updates, state-of-the-art reporting tools, and more.

Your Front Line for Workplace Law Compliance Clarity
PATHWAY VIA JL is our proprietary, state-of-the-art business immigration case management system, built on a Salesforce platform to fully integrate your existing and emerging process and compliance needs.
Intuitive interface that eliminates need for dedicated training for HR users and foreign national employees.
30 employment practices topics, across accommodations, compensation and benefits, recruiting and release, and safety regulations.
Helps secure the health of your HR and workplace efforts.
CHECKIT and proceed with your plans if you’re compliant.
CHECKIT shows you’re not compliant? Call Jackson Lewis.
Our attorneys will take it from there, addressing questions and walking with you through next steps.
CHECKIT is a no-cost-to-you, timesaving, risk reducer.
When you CHECKIT VIA JL, you’re getting more than instant accurate information and compelling comparisons. You’re getting answers that let you confidently connect with your legal and HR teams for more fully informed, next-level conversations about best practices and subsequent steps. After all, compliance isn’t the end. It’s the means to get there with fuller options and fewer risks.
The Better Baseline for Beginning Your Compliance Conversations
10 additional topics addressing emerging issues and areas with increased industry or state variability coming soon.
Searchable and sortable display options make for quick and clear comparisons.
User-focused screen design creates an intuitive experience requiring minimal to no training to get started.
(Goodbye ponderous PDF process)
Log In
More questions? More answers!
(and say goodbye to ponderous PDFs)
First Steps
Multiformat Instructions for Accessing and Using the System
Tech-enabled real-time status tracking, configurable reports, I-94 update checks and more.
Centralized document storage, intranet-embedded LCAs, and parent-level access to all cases for companies with subsidiaries.
Flexible design that facilitates new features and provides options for integrating with HR portals, initiating + converting assessments, and more.
Training Video
User Guide
Read on for more information about system features and migrating from your current setup.
Click to see Training Materials
2.0 Using PATHWAY
Setting Up Your Account
Check your email for a message from your Jackson Lewis team with the subject line: ‘Welcome to PATHWAY VIA JL.’
Click on the link in the email to create your password according to the character requirements (Fig. 1.1)
Fig. 1.1
Logging In
Setting up your password (above) will be considered your first log-in to PATHWAY VIA JL.
All repeat log-ins will require another step beyond entering your password. This “two-factor authentication” process is described in more detail below.
All subsequent log-ins after your first log-in to create your PATHWAY VIA JL password (see “Setting Up Your Account” above) requires two-factor authentication:
Enter your username (typically your email address) and password. (Fig 1.2)
Select one of the two options presented for your authenticator app: “Salesforce” or “Another Verification Method” (Fig 1.3)
Salesforce (Arrow A): Using Salesforce’s own authenticator app is simpler overall, but requires installing the app, which will likely be used solely for PATHWAY VIA JL access.
See Section 3.0 for detailed instructions on installing the Salesforce authenticator.
For each log-in after the Salesforce authenticator is installed on your mobile device, after entering your username and password, the Salesforce App will send a push notification to your mobile device to approve the log-in. Tap the “Approve” button on the notification on your device to confirm the log-in.
Another Verification Method (Arrow B): Using this option may be the preferred approach if you already have another authenticator app installed on your phone.
Note: If you use another provider, when you log in to Pathway via desktop or laptop, you will use the alternative authenticator app already on your mobile device to scan the QR code that will be displayed on your desktop or laptop.
For each log-in after a non-Salesforce authentication app is configured on your mobile device, you will see a PATHWAY VIA JL screen asking you to verify your identity via a code from the authentication app on your phone.
Enter the code from your authenticator app after logging in with your username and password. Tap Verify and you will be logged in.
Fig. 1.2
Fig. 1.3
All-Access Home Page
Top-level main menu ribbon to move to PATHWAYS’s key features.
Table of foreign nationals, their cases and their respective statuses. Click on the Case/Matter number to get these details and other case milestone and contact information.
One-click button to begin an assessment.
Easy access to initiate new cases and assessments.
Direct access to the Employer Questionnaire for each case by clicking on the Pencil + Paper icon
Instant ability to include files related to the case via the Upload icon.
Your entry to better mobility management
Fig. 2.1
2.0 Using PATHWAY
Viewing/Sorting Cases
From the Cases page, click the down arrow to chose from multiple ways to instantly sort and select the type of cases that you want to work on and review (Fig. 2.2).
Getting Immigration Details
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a foreign national’s name to see their important immigration details and dates. Here you will also find uploaded documents and dependents.
Tracking Case Milestones
From either the home page or Cases page, click on a case number to see the case milestones that have been completed and what to expect next. You can access the case details and materials as well as see the members of the Jackson Lewis team who are working on the specific case (Fig. 2.3).
Fig. 2.2
Fig. 2.3
Access the Employer Questionnaire for each case from either the Case Details page or from the homepage by clicking the Pencil + Paper icon (Fig. 2.4).
Note: The foreign national employee will have access to their portion of the questionnaire for completion and review when they log into their version of PATHWAY.
Fig. 2.4
Uploading Questionnaires & Documents
Fig. 2.5
Include files relevant to the case using the Upload Documents button found next to the Questionnaire button
if in Cases mode (Fig. 2.5) or the Upload icon on the homepage (Fig. 2.6).
Fig. 2.6
Getting Reports
Fig. 2.7
Fig. 2.8
Requesting an Assessment
Click the Reports option in the top-level main menu ribbon.
Select the report you want to view from the drop-down menu of customized, real-time reports that appears.
Use the following features that allow you to view and download the data exactly as you need it (Figs. 2.7 + 2.8).
Go to the home page and click on Request an Assessment (Fig. 2.9) to ask for an assessment for a new candidate or for an internal promotion.
Note: PATHWAY is flexible based on your work preferences and processes. You can give your recruiters access to do this function. Or, you can call or email us to make the request.
In the “Welcome!” window, click Next (Fig. 2.10).
On the next screen, identify who needs to
be assessed (Fig. 2.11).
Proceed through the process filling out the necessary information.
Complete and submit the request.
Note: Your Jackson Lewis attorney receives the information you submit to review it and will reach out to you with their detailed assessment.
Fig. 2.9
Fig. 2.10
Fig. 2.11
Initiating a New Case
Click on the Open a Case button on the homepage (Fig. 2.12).
Select the existing foreign national or input the new contact information as indicated in the window that appears (Fig. 2.13).
Proceed through the process filling out the necessary information. When you’ve completed and submitted the request, you will see the below confirmation message (Fig. 2.14).
Click Next to complete a questionnaire (Fig. 2.14).
Fig. 2.12
Fig. 2.13
Fig. 2.14
3.0 Installing the
Salesforce Authenticator
Setting Up Your Account
When you log in to PATHWAY VIA JL for the second time, you will see a “Connect Salesforce Authenticator” screen. (Fig. 3.1)
Follow Step 1 on the screen (Fig. 3.1) to download the Salesforce Authenticator App to your mobile device.
Open the app on your mobile device and tap “Add an Account” from under “Let’s Get Started” (Fig. 3.2).
Enter the two-word phrase that appears on your mobile device into PATHWAY VIA JL ‘Connect Salesforce Authenticator’ prompt and click Connect (Fig. 3.3).
On the ‘Connect Account’ screen that appears, click on the “Connect” button in the bottom right corner to confirm the connection between your Salesforce User Account and Salesforce Authenticator.
When you log in to PATHWAY VIA JL, after entering your username and password, the Salesforce App will send a push notification to your mobile device to approve the log-in. Tap the “Approve” button on the notification on your device to confirm the log-in.
Fig. 3.1
IMPORTANT: If you have already configured the Salesforce authenticator between your mobile phone and PATHWAY VIA JL, you can proceed directly to Step 6 below.
Fig. 3.2
Fig. 3.3
IMPORTANT: Only use this method if you have a non-Salesforce authenticator app already installed on your mobile device (or you want to install one). Authenticator apps are free for both iOS and Android devices, and are provided by Microsoft, Google and Duo, among others.
4.0 Logging into PATHWAY VIA JL Using an Alternative Verification Method as Your Two-Factor Authenticator
After entering your username and password, click on “Choose Another Verification Method from the authentication window
(Fig. 4.1)’.
Then, select the second option (Fig. 4.2) and click continue from the new screen that appears.
Using the authenticator app on your mobile device, scan the QR code that appears on your PATHWAY VIA JL screen (Fig. 4.3). After scanning, your phone should provide a verification code.
Enter the verification code that appears on your mobile phone into PATHWAY VIA JL and click connect (Fig. 4.4).
After configuring two-factor authentication, you will see a PATHWAY VIA JL screen on every subsequent log-in asking you to verify your identity via a code from the authentication app on your phone. Enter the code from your authenticator app after logging in with your username and password. Tap Verify and you will be logged in (Fig. 4.4).
If you have already configured a non-Salesforce authenticator between your mobile phone and PATHWAY VIA JL, you can proceed directly to Step 5 below.
Fig. 4.1
Fig. 4.2
Fig. 4.3
Fig. 4.4
Training Video & User Guide
Accessing PATHWAY
Setting Up Your Account
Logging In
Using Your Home Page: HR User
Viewing/Sorting Cases
Getting Immigration Details
Tracking Case Milestones
Uploading Questionnaires & Documents
Getting Reports
Requesting an Assessment
Initiating a New Case
Appendix A: Installing the Salesforce Authenticator
Appendix B: Logging into PATHWAY VIA JL Using an Alternative Verification Method as Your Two-Factor Authenticator
Quick Guide
1.0 Video
Installing the Salesforce Authenticator
Logging into PATHWAY VIA JL Using
an Alternative Verification Method as
Your Two-Factor Authenticator
Repeat log-ins with two-factor authentication
A Walk-Through of Key PATHWAY Features