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Discover smart connectivity

Creating an easier, smarter benefits experience.

A connected benefits experience creates a successful benefits experience. That’s why we focus on smart connectivity. From implementation to daily administration, you can count on us to “connect the dots” throughout the benefits journey to optimize your benefits spend and deliver the outcomes you need.

Flexible data connections

We simplify your benefits administration experience with key API and file feed capabilities, while keeping your data safe.

Data connections with over 100 enrollment and administrative platforms1

API capabilities with key HCM partners

Secure data connections power our Absence AssistSM and myNYLGBS solutions

Innovation with leading HR technology platforms

Learn more about our capabilities with key partners ADP and Workday.

Learn more about our capabilities with additional platforms, such as Alight, Benefitfocus, bswift, Businesssolver, Plansource, UKG and more.

Easier benefits administration

Efficient and simpler experience from initial set-up to on-going management.

Accelerated implementation minimizes tasks and maximizes time savings

Reduced manual tracking of evidence of insurability (EOI) requests, eligibility verification, and payroll reconciliation

Delivery of claim status and payment details for up-to-date absence tracking and payroll accuracy

Better employee experience

Our connected approach allows for simplified online enrollment and a more convenient, easier claims experience for your employees.

  • 20+ single sign on vendor connections for simplified access to EOI and streamlined enrollment
  • Online claim filing with pre-filled employee information
  • Faster eligibility analysis enables an easier claim process and quicker payments

Learn how we achieved an 80% EOI approval rate with a single-sign-on connection.2

Put smart connectivity to work for you.

New York Life Absence AssistSM provides the digital innovation to help you stay ahead. Accelerate absence management with an easy-to-use benefits portal designed to support your people in their time of need, while keeping your business connected and on track.

Learn more or contact your New York Life Group Benefit Solutions representative today.

1 Based on New York Life Group Benefit Solutions 2023 book of business and is subject to change.

2 Based on 2023 NYL GBS Medical Underwriting Performance Report. 
The information in this document was prepared by New York Life Group Benefits Solutions and New York Life Group Benefit Solutions is solely responsible for its accuracy and completeness. ADP and other third parties make no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein. ADP®, Alight®, Benefitfocus®, bswift®, Businessolver®, Plansource©, UKG©, Workday®, other third party administrative platforms and New York Life Group Benefit Solutions are independent entities, and each entity is responsible for the products and services that it provides.

New York Life Group Benefit Solutions products and services are provided by Life Insurance Company of North America, New York Life Group Insurance Company of NY, and New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, subsidiaries of New York Life Insurance Company. Life Insurance Company of North America is not authorized in NY and does not conduct business in NY.

© 2024, New York Life Insurance Company, New York, NY. All rights reserved. NEW YORK LIFE and the New York Life box logo are registered trademarks of New York Life Insurance Company.

Putting Benefits To Work For People SM

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